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Hi Everyone, A quick note about live webcasts from set: Whenever we shoot a new scene, we try to do a live webcast from set. It gives you a chance to see us making a scene, and it gives us a chance to get live feedback from you. But, its important to understand two things: 1) Shooting times and dates change often. Its the nature of the business. We shoot in Las Vegas and most our performers live in Los Angeles. So getting them to set involves travel. If a girl misses her flight to vegas, it changes the time or date of the scene. If a girl is not feeling well that day, we can't shoot the scene. There are many other reasons why dates get changed, but it happens.. when it does we don't stress out.. we just rebook and schedule something else 2) Our main priority is shooting scenes, not doing live webcasts. We have put up a new scene every Monday for the last 5-6 years and never want to let you down. If we have to choose between concentrating on the webcast or concentrating on shooting the scene , we will choose the scene. If our internet connection goes out during a live webcast, we are still going to shoot the scene without the webcast. If we have to shoot at a location where we dont have our live webcast equipment, we wont do a webcast. So you won't always get a live webcast, but you will get a new scene every week! --Glenn King