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Models / Debi Diamond

Avg Rating: 4.2

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Debi Diamond POV Slave Orders - 2009
Debi Diamond
Here's a set of POV Slave Orders from 2009 - One of the Legends of Porn - Debi Diamond - makes you her slave!

Tags: Ass Worship, Foot Worship, Masturbation Instruction, POV

Debi Diamond -2008
Debi Diamond
Here's a great scene with 80's Porn Legend Debi Diamond - this was from her comeback in 2008. Upgraded to DVD quality!

Tags: Ass Worship, Big Butt, Cunnilingus, Facesitting

Debi is my favorite amazon femdom model. I love the lapsitting hj vids you did with her. I was definitely looking for them here when I signed up as a member but they're not here. Could you post the following videos of her doing MeanAmazonBitches material: "Debi's Little L and C Date" ; "Angry Amazon Stepmom Punishment"; "Giant Breasted Amazon Cigar Beatdown" ;"Very Strong Amazing Insane Stepmom"; and "Little Sonny Seduced By a Woman"? I would appreciate it as I'd totally love to see these.
We only shot Debi Diamond one time. We didn't make any of the videos you listed. Maybe you are thinking of Venus Girls?
Hi. Thx for reply. I found them on TaylorMadeClips which features meanamazonbitches videos. I notice there are some of the earlier vids marked as MeanAmazonBitches productions of femdom L&C HJ videos marketed on their site that are posted on this site and some that aren't. When I signed up for this site, I thought it would include all your earlier Mean Amazon Bitches femdom L&C Lapsitting HJ videos but are you missing some? Just wondering. Please advise.
TaylorMadeClips is a separate company from us. Although I know Taylor St. Claire, we have nothing to do with her company.. I see that she named an online store AmazonBitches.com but that's not us. We are MeanAmazonBitches.com. Anything you see on that site is made by someone else, and we would not have the rights to put their content on MeanBitches.com... we have never made lapsitting videos or HJ videos that don't have ass worship/foot worship. We have never made Lift & Carry videos. I.
Here's the link to the taylormadeclips site that sells a lot of those amazon femdom CFNM L&C Lapsit HJ videos that I recalling seeing in early 2010's on your MeanAmazonBitches site: https://vidown.com/cgi/store2.pl?site=AmazonBitches.com&keyword=&vcart=tlp07162020075908-38&pagelimit=25&pagenumber=2
TaylorMadeClips is a separate company from us. Although I know Taylor St. Claire, we have nothing to do with her company.. Anything you see on that site is made by someone else, and we would not have the rights to put their content on MeanBitches.com... we have never made lapsitting videos or HJ videos that don't have ass worship/foot worship. We have never made Lift & Carry videos. I. looked at the link you included - I see that she named an online store AmazonBitches.com but that's not us. We are MeanAmazonBitches.com . I did not see any videos of ours and did not see any videos that have ever been for sale on MeanAmazonBitches.com . We actually have never sold videos individually on MeanAmazonBitches.com, only included videos as part of the membership, but none of those videos that I saw on there have ever been on MeanAmazonBitches.com .