WARNING - This site is for adults only!

This web site contains sexually explicit material:

We always love hearing from our MeanBitches members ! Do you like the cuckold updates? Hate the cuckold updates? Want to make casting suggestions? We don't always use your ideas but we always appreciate feedback. Click on 'Private Messages' from inside the members section. --Glenn King

Hi Everyone, I always enjoy hearing from out site members! You can message me any time from the members section of MeanBitches.com by clicking on 'Private Messaging' at the top of the page. Some of you have some great ideas for the site, and others have ideas that are better suited for a specific clip or scene. Some of you have great casting suggestions. I don't always agree with everything, but I'm happy to discuss just about anything... so PM me! --Glenn King

More Cuckold
I always appreciate all the feedback you guys (and girl) give me.. one thing everything seems to agree on is that you want more cuckold. We are going to try to put up at least one cuckold clip/scene a month. Starting with a new Julie Cash cuckold clip the week of Oct 9 ! Also, many of you have asked about Deviant David scenes.. Unfortunately, David's health has not been great lately.. everyone please send him good vibes/prayers so he can get better and shoot some more scenes! --Glenn

Hi Everyone, First, I want to thank the 95% of you who put up constructive comments on the site. I appreciate you and would love to see more suggestions, feedback, and likes/dislikes. But, a small number of you are putting up some comments that are exceedingly rude. And so, they get rejected. Here are some rules: 1) You can't put up a comment that is a blatant lie. For example, if you say "You only update the site once a week", that's a lie. We put up at least 3 updates every week and sometimes 4 updates. Don't put up a comment like "You never shoot black girls".. it's easy to look at the site and see that we shoot quite a few black girls. 2) Please be respectful with your opinions. If your opinion is that you would like to see more spanking in our videos, please phrase your comment as "I enjoy the scenes where the girl spanks the guys. I'd love to see more like that". Please DO NOT say things like "Your videos suck! Any scene that doesnt have spanking is a complete waste. No one wants to see your piece of shit scenes that don't have spanking in them!". If you want to ask for more clothed pictures, just say "Hey I'd love to see more pics with the models' clothes on". Please DO NOT say things like "What kind of fucking moron doesnt put up clothed pics? Are you TOO FUCKING STUPID TO MAKE A SCENE CORRECTLY?" . Just ask for what you want nicely. 3) Please remember that try to make scenes for everyone, not just one person. There are three things we try to get every time we shoot: Ass Worship, Foot Worship, and Facesitting. We try to add in other things for variety... sometimes we have spitting in a scene... sometimes cuckold, sometimes hardcore sex, sometimes raceplay, etc... We are never going to put up a scene that has a girl fully clothed throughout the scene, or a scene with 15 minutes of nail painting. Those are things that a small number of people would like to see, but the majority of site members would reject. 4) Please don't say anything mean or disrepectful about other commenters. We are all friends here. 5) Please don't comment one one model's scene how the scene would be better with a different model. In other words, don't put a comment on a Courtney Taylor scene that says "This scene would be better with Julie Cash". 6) If you have a request that doesn't relate to the scene you are commenting on , use the Private Message system on the site. I respond to all private messages. So please.. more comments! Let me know what you like or dislike.. be kind and have some common courtesy.